Future Expert enables you to get detailed analyzes and analytics such as prices, contract prices, contract sizes, underlying assets, etc. in option and futures markets.
Develop future and option market strategies with futures pricing and option strategy tools. Invest in a discipline.
Check the internal dynamics of futures, the relationship of derivatives with the market, and use the gaps between the underlying asset and the future contract for your investments.
Use quick formulas for future market specific analysis such as hedge ratio, base price difference, theoretical price calculation.
Create option market strategies and determine the active buy and sell points in your investments.
Calculate a continuous time series and average price for futures contracts. So you can access benchmarking analytics in your forecasts for the future.
Do option pricing with Black-Scholes pricing method from the basic tools of financial markets.
Easily calculate option parameters (greek) such as Vega, Delta, Rho, Gamma, Theta and easily transfer the price sensitivity relationship of options to your analyzes.
List the option contracts by at the money, in the money, out of the money or other features.