What is Stock Expert?

Stock Expert is a fast and effective analysis platform that runs on Excel for the analysis of shares. It combines stock data with flexible and customized formulas. It allows to model market movements in the past and in the future with company’s data.

Wide Data Set

Discover the potential of the stocks by Stock Expert wide database and analysis tools.

Formulas, Templates and Reports

Stock Expert ensure hundreds of ready to use formulas, detailed analysis template and functional reports in Excel environments.

All Needs of Professionals

Stock Expert presents the financial data of companies traded in Stock Exchange Istanbul, meeting market movements, risk analyzes, technical and basic indicators, meeting all the requirements of financial professionals.

Easy to Access

Stock Expert offers you speed and saving time an easy to access, flexible and modular structure.

Powerful Database

Equity Expert allows you to perform all the analyzes you design with a large database and flexible formula structure.

Professional’s Choice

Stock Expert is preferred by many financial professionals, from individual investors to intermediary institution employees, portfolio management companies, researchers with advanced analysis tools and supporting data set.

Why Stock Expert?

Analytical flexibility, customizable functions and high-quality data structure accelerate and enpower to investment professionals. It compares the analysis and investment decisions and takes one step forward of the market with advanced formulas.

Corporations, Industries and Indexes

Stock Expert is an Excel platform that brings together all company, sector and index data in Stock Exchange Istanbul.

Ready to Use Analysis Tools

Increase your productivity and quickly access the most up-to-date and accurate share market data.

Updated Data, Customized Formulas

Stock Expert makes a difference in stock market analysis and reporting with the advantage of up-to-date data and customizable functions.

Future Forecasting Modelling

Compare stocks, composite analyzes and futuristic models with advanced tools of Stock Expert.

Features of Stock Expert

Dividend Analysis

Add dividend income to share performance by looking at dividend payments by dividend analysis in Stock Expert.

Indexes Data

Follow the direction of the market and observe the turning and breaking points.

User Friendly

Easily set the capital adequacy ratio, price gain ratio, ebitda, profit per share, market value, bookmark, favorite functions, you can easily use it in models and templates.

Source Speed

Access and make quick searches from footnotes and from the original bilingual program.

National Indexes Database

Examine past movements and data for all indices with National Indexes Database.

Volume and Amount Analysis

Track supply and demand with volume and quantity analyzes in the stocks, dynamically monitor the cheapest-expensive stocks, and compare them with each other.


Manipulate the formulas parameters, customize the data sets you want to use and the analysis templates as you wish.

Powerful Reporting Screen

Advanced and integrated data-formula relationship, powerful and noticeable reporting takes place at the touch of a button.

Capital Analysis

Observe past capital increases, valueless and bonus increasing trends of the company you invest with capital analysis, you can add these variables to your investment decisions.

Advantages of Stock Expert

  • View the balances in a few steps in a very short period of time after disclosure with Stock Expert.
  • Keep your reports up-to-date with the "background update" capability of the reporting screen.
  • Changes in the indices or categories will reflect your reports up to date and will prevent you from overlooking the changes.
  • One of Turkish Leading Financial Corporations long term solution partner Finnet developed Stock Expert module of Analysis Expert with fast software infrastructure, for saving your time.
  • Use Stock Expert functions as a nested function in Excel, so you can use them into your macros and other formulas.
  • Get open, high, low, close and volume data like time series with fast “close prices tool” into your Excel sheet.
  • Retrieve data in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly period.
  • As an analyst, you can use the sector-specific rates of Stock Expert instead of looking for the specific sector in which the financial ratio is being used. For example, you can view the sector rates you can use for a bank by clicking on it and you can call it from here.
  • Do not get lost at various excel functions and excel sheets, use “Analysis Expert Report Tool” for preparing specific reports and ready to use templates.
  • Share your Analysis Expert Reports and Templates with other Analysis Expert user by Analysis Expert Report Import/Export feature.
  • Add your favorite functions to frequently used functions such as capital adequacy ratio, price gain ratio, ebitda, profit per share, market value, book value etc.
  • Access footnotes from within AE and make quick searches within them.
  • Save your time with AE’s sorting and filtering features when you want to prepare your reports. Use filtering and sorting tools for creating financial models.
  • Use inbuilt tables and analytic reports for a quick look.
  • Inbuilt tables provide from daily closes to daily bulletin on one screen.
  • Define your functions with AE formula description tool for frequently using.
  • Get Free Professional Support

Take a brief look at Stock Expert