Stock Expert is an Excel platform that brings together all company, sector and index data in Stock Exchange Istanbul.
Increase your productivity and quickly access the most up-to-date and accurate share market data.
Stock Expert makes a difference in stock market analysis and reporting with the advantage of up-to-date data and customizable functions.
Compare stocks, composite analyzes and futuristic models with advanced tools of Stock Expert.
Add dividend income to share performance by looking at dividend payments by dividend analysis in Stock Expert.
Follow the direction of the market and observe the turning and breaking points.
Easily set the capital adequacy ratio, price gain ratio, ebitda, profit per share, market value, bookmark, favorite functions, you can easily use it in models and templates.
Access and make quick searches from footnotes and from the original bilingual program.
Examine past movements and data for all indices with National Indexes Database.
Track supply and demand with volume and quantity analyzes in the stocks, dynamically monitor the cheapest-expensive stocks, and compare them with each other.
Manipulate the formulas parameters, customize the data sets you want to use and the analysis templates as you wish.
Advanced and integrated data-formula relationship, powerful and noticeable reporting takes place at the touch of a button.
Observe past capital increases, valueless and bonus increasing trends of the company you invest with capital analysis, you can add these variables to your investment decisions.